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Be Human, Be Happy, Be You!

Time to hit the reset button?

Come meet author and mindfulness teacher Raditia Lasry as she discusses her new book, Be Human, Be Happy, Be You!
Are you looking to live happily ever after? Embracing all the facets that make us us, likes and dislikes, we can unconditionally love ourselves and create a new relationship with the world around us. Learn more at this very special event with the radiant Raditia.

No charge. Books will be available for purchase and signing.

About Raditia

Raditia was born to an Indonesian mother and a German father. She grew up in Switzerland and now works as a Mindfulness Teacher and Author in the United States. Throughout her life, she had the opportunity to be in touch with various cultures, religions, beliefs, and world views that supported her vision of the relevance of being human.

Curiosity about people and relationships has always been her passion. Her mission is to help people find their way to being themselves while existing in social, relational, natural, and educational structures and limitations. She believes the key to success in life is to be yourself and find a way to move with the complexity of being human and building deeper connections with one another.

About Be Human, Be Happy, Be You!

Society, work, and family don’t make it easy to live life with ease. Whenever we experience overwhelm, stress, and uncertainty, our aim is to distract ourselves and only focus on what brings us positive vibes. What if operating that way only gets us further away from what makes us happy?

Being happy goes way beyond what we do and our relationships. It’s the connection and understanding we have about ourselves. Embracing all the facets that make us us, likes and dislikes, we can, one, unconditionally love ourselves and, two, create a new relationship with the world around us.



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