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Kelin Zhang and Ryan Mather (pictured below) have created the next big thing in photography: a camera that doesn’t take photos. It creates instant poetry of the scene. Just point and shoot, and out comes your poem!

Join Kelin and Ryan for a 30-minute walk around the neighbourhood for a live demo of his creation. You can be the subject of a poem, too! We’ll meet at the bookstore at 7 PM sharp - and end up here for light refreshments and conversation.

Please RSVP so we know how many to expect for our outing. And please wear good walking shoes. We will be venturing onto the Sing Sing Kill Greenway and a tiny bit of the Aqueduct Trail, too. This event will be held, rain or shine.

Ryan and his poetry camera in the bookstore.

To find out more about the camera on Instagram, visit

July 29

American Red Cross Blood Drive

August 1

OTown Reads: James, by Percival Everett